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Neotech Inspection & Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Magnum Venus Plastech  LRTM machine 
Neotech Composite Co.,Ltd.
139 Soi Phrayasuren 30, Phrayasuren Rd., Bangchan Klongsamwa Bangkok 10510 Thailand
Tel : (662) 5174955-6 Fax : (662) 5174957 Mobile 086 3746588, 086 3152433, 086 3052248, 086 3108566
Download company catalog : Products list , Ligth RTM Honeycomb , Tooling resin

We are importer all materials for fiber glass industrial such as resin, gel coat, fiber glass, carbon fiber, aramid fiber, honeycomb, coremat, PVC foam, Balsa wood, tooling resin, tooling gelcoat, spray gel coat machine, vacuum materials.

We have retails and whole sells of our products all in Thailand country.


Specialists in RTM and LRTM closed moulding. Suppliers of Injection Machinery,
Tooling, Training, Ancillaries and Turnkey solutions to the composites industry
RTM/Light RTM Injection Machinery

Megaject injection machinery - a range of pneumatically powered injection machines with a variety of features ranging from high to low output and the capability of injecting a wide range of resin systems including filled or unfilled polyester/vinylester, epoxy and phenolic.
injection machinery range - Pre-mixed resin and catalyst are drawn into the machine under vacuum, degassed and then dispensed into the mould cavity. Suitable for small batch production, R&D and aerospace moudling applications.

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RTM/Light RTM Injection Machinery

  Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM) is a low pressure moulding process where a mixed resin and catalyst are injected into a closed mould containing a fibre pack or preform. When the resin has cured the mould can be opened and the finished component removed.
The process is suitable for simple GRP mouldings through to complex structural components for the automotive and aerospace industries.

A wide range of resin systems can be used including polyester, vinylester, epoxy, phenolic and methyl methacylates
etc, combined with pigments and fillers including aluminium trihydrates and calcium carbonates if required.
The fibre pack can be either, glass, carbon, arimid, or a combination of these. There are a large variety of weights and styles commonly available.

LRTM (Light Resin Transfer Moulding)
RTM (Resin Transfer Mould)
MIT (Multi Insert Tooling)

RTM/LRTM Training
The Light RTM process has become significantly more popular within our industry as a complimentary process to RTM. This hands-on course will focus on the precision and accuracy needed to produce a Light RTM mould from preparation of the master pattern, through to the commissioning of the mould.
The presentation will be of our latest Light RTM technology during the
theoretical sessions, and hands-on tool-making techniques and
demonstration mould injections in our workshop.

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Magaject RTM-Pro

Incorporated programmable logic controls in fully automatyic production system

Magaject MkV Polyeter Autohead

Designed for injection Polyester, Vinylester and Mathaacrylate resin system and catalyst at controlled pressures, this machine mixes on demand at injestion head

Magaject SSB Patriot

Designed for injection Polyester, Vinylester and Methaceylate resin and catalyst at controled pressure, with autohand mixes on demand at injection head with catalyst

Turbo Autosprue automatic injection valve

The Turbo Auto sprue is valve locks into the production mould cavity and is controlled by the injection machine.


The vacuuminder unit has developed specifically for use wuth composites Light RTM moulding techniques also described as 'VERT' or 'VM'.

PV Senser System

The PVSenser system has been specialcally designed to measure precise pressures in mould.

Vacuum Station

Vacuum station has been designed for high vacuum security and optimized energy saving. Based upon two individual vacuum pumps, for high vacuum and the other for medium vacuum use the unit brings unparalleled features for the infusion and Light RTM moulding industry.

Siloject 121

The Siloject 121 has been specialcally designed to mix and dispense the Momentivr Silopren RTV 2025 VBS material.

Light RTM Accessories

Silicone and neoplrene seals ensure that a 'close mould' does as its name implied and keep the resin within the mould

Calibration Materials

These can be supplies either as wax sheet or cork sheet in thickness. These materials are used when building the mould to accurately determine the product thickness.





Light RTM Accessories


File Name
File type
RTM today -Factoring Accuracy into Polyester Moulding (598 Kb)
RTM today -European Centre for Brunswick
RIMFIRETM Preform Technology (548 Kb)
RTM today -Desingner chairs choose RTM for quality finnish (530 Kb)
RTM today -Jeanneau’s closed mould production puts wind
in their sails (530 Kb)
Driving productivity and business expansion through Light RTM (74 Kb)

Neotech Composite Co.,Ltd.
139 Soi Phrayasuren 30, Phrayasuren Rd., Bangchan Klongsamwa Bangkok 10510 Thailand
Tel : (662) 5174955-6 Fax : (662) 5174957 Mobile 086 3746588, 086 3152433, 086 3052248
, 086 3108566

Download company catalog : Products list , Ligth RTM Honeycomb , Tooling resin

We are importer all materials for fiber glass industrial such as resin, gel coat, fiber glass, carbon fiber, aramid fiber, honeycomb, coremat, PVC foam, Balsa wood, tooling resin, tooling gelcoat, spray gel coat machine, vacuum materials.

We have retails and whole sells of our products all in Thailand country


Composite Products
Fiber Glass Chopped strand mat, Roving, Woven roving etc
Resin & Gelcoat  Polyester, Vinylester, Epoxy resin
Nord Composites  Tooling gelcoat and resin   
Formosa Cabon Fiber Carbon fiber, Aramid fiber 
Lantor NV  Non Woven Polyester Soric Coremat   
Diab Group PVC Foam, PET Foam, Balsa Core 
Nidaplast Plastic PP Honeycomb 
NJ Robinson  Spray resin and gel coat machine    
Axelplastics Stripper Cleaning Sealer and Mold Release agent
Farécla surface finishing compound and protection
Vacuum Bagging Bagging film, Peel ply, sealant tape etc 
Resuable Silicone Membrane totally replace vacuum bag infusion system
Others Materials wax, mono, acetone, MEKP, cobolt etc
Fumigation Products
Fumigation Products 
Fumigation Tools
Fumigation Services
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