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Neotech Inspection & Chemical Co.,Ltd.


Composite Products
Fiber Glass Chopped strand mat, Roving, Woven roving etc
Resin & Gelcoat  Polyester, Vinylester, Epoxy resin
Nord Composites  Tooling gelcoat and resin   
Formosa Cabon Fiber Carbon fiber, Aramid fiber 
Lantor NV  Non Woven Polyester Soric Coremat   
Diab Group PVC Foam, PET Foam, Balsa Core 
Nidaplast Plastic PP Honeycomb 
NJ Robinson  Spray resin and gel coat machine    
Axelplastics Stripper Cleaning Sealer and Mold Release agent
Farécla surface finishing compound and protection
Vacuum Bagging Bagging film, Peel ply, sealant tape etc 
Resuable Silicone Membrane totally replace vacuum bag infusion system
Others Materials wax, mono, acetone, MEKP, cobolt etc
Fumigation Products
Fumigation Products 
Fumigation Tools
Fumigation Services
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